Wednesday, March 10, 2021

One Man's Maple Moon: Contrail Tanka by Kozue Uzawa

English Original

a contrail
stretching straight
toward the sun
I was watching it
until I felt lonely

Gusts, 23Spring/Summer 2016

Kozue Uzawa

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)

Bio Sketch

Kozue Uzawa is a retired university professor. She works as editor of the English tanka journal GUSTS. She composes tanka both in Japanese and English. She also translates Japanese tanka into English and co-published Ferris Wheel: 101 Modern and Contemporary Tanka (Boston: Cheng & Tsui, 2006), and Kaleidoscope: Selected Tanka of Shuji Terayama (Tokyo: Hokuseido Press, 2008). Ferris Wheel received the 2007 Donald Keene Translation Award for Japanese Literature from Columbia University.

1 comment:

  1. Enhanced by a shift in verb tense (which indicates the passage of time), Kozue's tanka effectively builds, poetic phrase/line by poetic phrase/line, to an emotionally poignant ending that reveals the theme of separation/departure from one's loved one(s).

    It might be interesting to do a comparative reading of two of my "contrail tanka" (that could be read as sequels to Kozue's):

    her plane leaves
    a contrail in the sky
    the scar
    she inflicted on me
    still visible

    Ribbons, 14:3, Autumn 2018

    I gaze up
    at the white contrail
    while writing tanka
    as if there were magic words
    to ground you in my world

    Whispers, April 7, 2018
