English Original
abandoned farm
the empty sockets
of a cow skull
Frogpond, 42:1, 2019
Nikolay Grankin
Chinese Translation (Traditional)
Chinese Translation (Simplified)
Bio Sketch
Nikolay Grankin was born in 1964 in Tuapse, Russia; he now lives in Krasnodar in the south of Russia. He is keen on learning English and writing haiku. He has been writing haiku for about eleven years, three of which were spent writing haiku in English. His haiku have appeared in online and print journals in both Russian and English. His haiku has won several awards in several haiku contests.
L1 sets the scene and mood of the haiku while the hollow image of Ls 2&3 delivers the most devastating blow to the future of rural/farming life. And on a second reading, the "empty sockets" (blind vision) of a "cow skull' (death of rural life) effectively carries symbolic significance and adds emotional weight and psychological depth to the haiku.