Sunday, September 25, 2022

Butterfly Dream: Frayed Sunlight Haiku by Laryalee Fraser

English Original

frayed sunlight 
between the pilings --
summer’s end 

Ambrosia, 1, Autumn 2008

Laryalee Fraser 

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

的磨損陽光 --

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

的磨损阳光 --

Bio Sketch

A resident of British Columbia, Canada, Laryalee Fraser was actively engaged in online poetry forums from the mid-1990’s until her death in 2013. Her poetry has been widely published in haiku and tanka journals, and  in 2006, she compiled an online anthology of haiku, "a procession of ripples."

1 comment:

  1. This "upcoming change of seasons" haiku, tightly structured with an emotional undercurrent running through visually evocative imagery, successfully captures a moment in nature.
