Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Butterfly Dream: Ashes Haiku by David Cobb

English Original

ashes to ashes ...
clinging to the fingers
yellowish clay

The Heron's Nest, 1:4, 1999

David Cobb

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

塵歸塵 ...

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

尘归尘 ...

Bio Sketch

David Cobb was a British educational writer and champion of English-language haiku and haibun genres. He founded the British Haiku Society in 1990 and served as its president from 1997 to 2002. He won four Haiku Society of America Merit Book Awards, and the 1997 collection of haibun, Spring Journey to the Saxon Shore, established him as the "initiator of the haibun in Britain."

1 comment:

  1. L1 sets the theme and mood while visually evocative and symbolically rich Ls 2&3 add emotional weight and psychological depth to this death haiku:

    And the following emotionally contrasting haiku could be read as a presequl and a sequel to David's :

    scattering his ashes
    the moon
    in bits and pieces

    First Prize, 1993 Harold G. Henderson Award

    Sylvia Forges-Ryan

    driving home --
    nobody to hold
    the ashes

    light packing, 2020

    Elmedin Kadric
