Friday, June 30, 2023

Butterfly Dream: Gossip Haiku by Debbie Strange

English Original

angry words
the gossip of gulls
d r i f t i n g

Debbie Strange

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

飄 散 在 空 氣 中

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

飘 散 在 空 气 中

Bio Sketch

Debbie Strange is an award-winning Canadian short form poet, haiga artist, and photographer. Keibooks released her second full-length poetry collection, Three-Part Harmony: Tanka Verses in 2018, and Folded Word published her haiku chapbook, A Year Unfolding in 2017. An archive of publications may be accessed at http://debbiemstrange.blogspotcom/

1 comment:

  1. L1 sets the tone and mood of the haiku while the cacophonous squawking of gulls in Ls 2&3 not only provides an emotionally and auditorily resonant link-and-shift relationship with L1, but also gives a hint of what caused these angry words/response.

    And the layout of L3 implies the spread of this gossip...

    And it might be interesting to do a thematic comparative reading of the following ominous gossip haiku.

    a raven flies
    from rooftop to rooftop
    neighborhood gossip

    NeverEnding Story, April 12, 2018

    Jessica Malone Latham
