Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Butterfly Dream: Peacocks Haiku by Neena Singh

English Original

light of dawn
cries of peacocks
unfurl the sky

Neena Singh

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

Neena Singh is the author of Whispers of the Soul—The Journey Within and One Breath Poetry—a journal of haiku, senryu & tanka. A former banker, she runs a non-profit for underprivileged children in Chandigarh, India.

1 comment:

  1. Peacocks' "high-pitched noises, like a baby crying out loud," in L2 make the beginning of a day in L1 multi-sensorily poignant, and L3 might give the reader a glimpse into soemthing different, which is provided by the sky, limitless or limited when viewed from/framed by one's life circumstances.

    And the following haiku could be read a sequel to Neena's:

    cry of a peacock
    I wake up fully clothed
    in my pain

    Pulse, August 15, 2014

    Kirsten Cliff Elliot
