Saturday, September 30, 2023

Butterfly Dream: Moonlight Haiku by Djurdja Vukelic-Rozic

English Original

all these shiny roofs
and just enough moonlight
to tuck in every tile

First Prize, Rangitawa Publishing Haiku and Humor Contest, 2013 

Djurdja Vukelic-Rozic

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

Djurdja Vukelic-Rozic was born in 1956, lives in the town of Ivanic Grad, Croatia, edits the magazine IRIS, translates and writes poetry, humorous sketches, short stories, haiku and haibun. So far she has published twenty books and translated a number of collections and anthologies into English. And her poetry has received thirty awards.

1 comment:

  1. L1 sets the scene and mood while the fresh and visually effective use of moonlight in Ls 2&3 not only emotionally enhances L1, "all these" "shiny roofs," but also gives a tone of Karumi ("lightness") to this moonlit roofs haiku.

    Stylistically and emotionally speaking, it might be interesting to do a comparative reading of the following "matter-of-fact/objective" roofs haiku:

    the view from the roof: more roofs

    bottle rockets, Feb. 2015

    Pat Tompkins

    FYI: For more about Karumi ("lightness"), see 'Poetic Musings: Basho’s First Hokku in the Karumi Style," accessed at
