Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Butterfly Dream: Grim Reaper's Stare Haiku by K.G. Munro

English Original

tiger amulet 
on the front entrance ...
a grim reaper's stare

K.G. Munro

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

懸掛在正門入口處 ...

Translation result在正門入口處 ...


Chinese Translation (Simplified)

悬挂在正门入口处 ...

Bio Sketch 
K.G. Munro is an author and poet from Scotland. She has appeared in many journals and publications across the world such as Indian Periodical, Feversofthemind, The Well, Mad In America, Pawners Papers, AThinSliceOfAnxiety, Spillwords, Reformed Journal, Agape Review.

1 comment:

  1. Ls 1&2 describe the main entrance scene of a relatively weathy, Asian (most likely, Chinese or Thai) household while unexpected yet culturally amusing L3, a "grim reaper's/trick-or-treater's stare, " turns this poem into a multivalent Halloween haiku with a cultural twist.

    This haiku gives readers a glimpse into multicultural North American life.

    FYI: In Chinese antiquity, the tiger amulet is used to ward off disease and evil, and also to instill the courage of a tiger.

    And in the context of Thai culture, it's believed that the amulet brings good luck and fortune for life, and that It also provides protection from evil.
