Sunday, January 21, 2024

A Room of My Own: From the River to the Sea Haiku

Against the Drowning Noise of Other Words, IX: "from the river to the sea"

Tel Aviv in twilight
from the river to the sea
peace, peace only ...

FYI: Salon, Jan.18:  “From the river to the sea”: Netanyahu says he rejected Biden's call for Palestinian state after war: Netanyahu used phrase Israel's supporters claim is a call for Israeli genocide when used by Palestinian advocates

Netanyahu, who has long opposed the formation of a Palestinian state, rejected any such notion on Thursday.

“This conflict is not about the lack of a state of Palestinians but the existence of a Jewish state,” he said, according to a translation from i24News. “Every area we evacuate, we receive terrible terror… and therefore I clarify that in any arrangement, in the future the state of Israel has to control the from the river to the sea,” he continued, repeating a phrase that Israeli supporters have claimed is a call for genocide when used by pro-Palestinian supporters.

Washington Post, Oct. 16 2023: Welcome to the new, ‘new’ Middle East

This time [when he addressed the U.N. General Assembly on "Sep. 22, 2023," which means "before Oct. 7th"], Netanyahu had a different image as a prop — a map titled “The New Middle East,” depicting a section of the region shaded in green. That included all of Israel from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, with no delineations showing occupied Palestinian territory, as well as countries such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates.

Added: Against the Drowning Noise of Other Words, X: "Let My People Go"

lingering echoes
from a sea of protesters
in Tel Aviv:
Let My People Go
Elections Now

FYI: "Let My People Go" is a phrase that originates in the Book of Exodus 5:1:

And afterward Moses and Aaron went in, and told Pharaoh, Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, Let my people go, that they may hold a feast unto me in the wilderness.

And Haaretz, Jan. 20: "Only Graveyards Will Be Named After Netanyahu" 

Thousands Protest Across Israel Against Netanyahu's Government
Thousands attended demonstrations in Tel Aviv, Haifa, Jerusalem, and outside Netanyahu's private residence in Caesarea. Bereaved sister: 'The values on which this country was built were replaced by political survival, bickering, and incitement'

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