Monday, January 22, 2024

Butterfly Dream: Drought Moon Haiku by Chuck Brickley

English Original

drought moon
another tear
in the window screen

Chuck Brickley

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

A native San Franciscan, Chuck Brickley lived in rural British Columbia for 35 years. His book of haiku, earthshine, won the THF Touchstone Award for Distinguished Books 2017; the HSA Merit Book Award 2017, Honorable Mention; and the inaugural Marianne Bluger Book Award 2020, Honourable Mention. His haibun,“Is Where The Car Is," was nominated for a Pushcart Prize 2018, and another haibun, "A Banishing," received a Sonders Best Small Fiction Award nomination, 2019

1 comment:

  1. Matter-of-the-fact Ls 2&3 reveal the serious drought conditions, "dryness and high temperature," described in visually and emotionally poignant L1.

    This is a fine example of understated shasei (sketch from life) haiku.

    And the following haiku cound be read as a sequel to Chuck"s:

    kids press noses
    into grandma’s screen door
    the smell of rain

    NeverEnding Story, Jan. 20 2024

    Randy Brooks
