Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Butterfly Dream: Dad's Chevy Haiku by Marion Alice Poirier

English Original

all that remains --
dad's Chevy leaving
a trail in the dust

Marion Alice Poirier

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

殘留之物 --
Chinese Translation (Simplified)

残留之物 --

Bio Sketch

Marion Alice Poirier is a lifetime resident of Boston, MA. She began writing haiku in 2001 and eventually began to teach haiku in workshops on Poetry Circle and Emerging Poets. She also write short poetry and have been published in on-line haiku and short poetry journals like Tinywords, Hedgerow and The Heron's Nest.


  1. Juxtaposed with L1 as well as enhanced by its tone and mood, visually and emotionally evocative Ls 2&3 give the reader a hint of a story about a broken Amercian family because of the N's father leaving for good.

    The use of a car's model, "Chevy, a century-old model embedded in 'American culture' like no other and being one of the top-selling auto brands of all time," says something about the father's personality (afterall, you're what you buy when living in a consumerist society)

    What's left unsaid is at least as potent as what's said in this poignant, middle-of-the-story family relationship haiku.

    1. And the following poem could be read as a prequel to the haiku above:

      leaf in the wind ...
      the last glimpse of dad
      from my window

      NeverEnding Story, June 8, 2022

      Marion Alice Poirier
