Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Butterfly Dream: Boulevard in Red and Gold Haiku by Denis M. Garrison

English Original

October rain --
the boulevard paved
in red and gold

Simply Haiku, 4:2, Summer 2006

Denis M. Garrison

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

十月雨 --

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

十月雨 --

Bio Sketch

Denis M. Garrison was born in Iowa, USA, and his childhood was spent in Japan, youth in Europe, Africa and western Pacific. His poetry’s widely published. Garrison’s print collections include First Winter RainEight Shades of BlueHidden RiverSailor in the Rain and Other Poems, and Fire Blossoms.

1 comment:

  1. There is a "cause and effect relationship" implied between L1, "October rain" and Ls 2&3, "red and gold" fallen leaves.

    However, the jux. is fresh and visually and emotionally evocative, and the C&E is implicit.

    Therefore, a fine shasei (sketch from [urban] life) haiku infused with evocative imagery!
