Tuesday, February 20, 2024

A Poet's Roving Thoughts: Temporality of Life

With every pilgrimage one encounters the temporality of life

-- Matsuo Bashō 

Across a prolific and acclaimed publishing career Chen-ou Liu has displayed time and time again a phenomenal command of rhythm and motion in his stunning poetry, adopting stimulating indicators to signal landmarks and topography across that terrain, the tool of wabi being one vital resource toward conveying visceral aims. There is little to no movement in a vacuum, on a sickbed, across a desolate winter landscape or quiet night, save perhaps the slightest trickling, reminiscent of grains falling through an hourglass. These pieces spectacularly reveal the duo and tag-team this style can make paired with sabi to liken and contrast, implement setup and punchline, execute a boxing combination in a sense. The common theme of undesired departure, imposed hard deadlines, ties these pieces very fittingly together; while exploring different subjects and settings, in unison the reader almost gets the perception they form a sedōka discussion of sorts, on the topic of fate and determinism, acceptance and the human condition. 

Visit  Setu's Masters of Wabi: Chen-ou Liu for detailed comments on the following two of my featured haiku:

snow light
in her hospice room

eviction notice …
roof icicles
dripping moonlight

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