Saturday, February 17, 2024

Butterfly Dream: Migrating Songs Haiku by Pravat Kumar Padhy

English Original

dune after dune the migrating songs

Presence, 60, 2018

Pravat Kumar Padhy 

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

穿越一個又一個的沙丘, 候鳥的歌聲

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

穿越一个又一个的沙丘, 候鸟的歌声

Bio Sketch

Pravat Kumar Padhy, a poet-scientist, did his Masters and Ph.D from IIT-Dhanbad, India. Work referred in Spectrum History of Indian Literature in EnglishAlienation in Contemporary Indian English Poetry etc. His Japanese short form of poetry appeared in many international journals. He is a recipient of Editor’s Choice Awards, Special and Honourable Mentions. His fourth collection of verses, Ripple of Resonance, is in press.


  1. The concluding word, songs (not bird name), makes this one-line haiku multi-sensorily and emotionally effective.

    And my haiku below could be read as a sequel (about post-migration) to Pravat's:

    the sweep
    of wind-sculpted sand dunes
    this loss, and yet ...

    haikuNetra, 1:4, 2023

  2. I am delighted to read the comment. Grateful to Chen-ou for selecting my monoku and translating it into Chinese.
    'the sweep' is simply wonderful transcending it into an enigmatic curve of poetry. Robert Frost wrote: "Poetry is
    when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words." Congratulations!
