Sunday, February 18, 2024

Butterfly Dream: Pine Cones Haiku by vincent tripi

English Original

Hereafter ...
                pine cones falling
                                    where i knelt to pray 
Between God & the pine, 1997

vincent tripi 

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

今後 ...

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

今后 ...

Bio Sketch

Founder of The Haiku Circle, vincent tripi was closely associated with the spiritual movement in American Haiku. He wrote haiku for over 35 years, and published 14 books of haiku. Most of his haiku reflect a Buddhist foundation.

1 comment:

  1. L1, "hereafter, from this time onwards," indicates the speaker's resolution to do something while symblocally rich and religiously significant Ls 2&3 hint at the type of thing the speaker is planing to do from now on...

    This is a fine middle-of-the-story haiku infused with evocative and symbocally rich imagery.

    And the following haiku could be read as a prequel to vincent's:

    in pine shade
    for a while I forget
    this life will end

    Moonset, 7, 2010

    Robert Epstein
