Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Butterfly Dream: Elderberry Wine Haiku by Garry Eaton

English Original

touring the farms
the sun sets in a glass
of elderberry wine

Third Place, The Shiki Monthly Kukai, May 2009

Garry Eaton

Chinese Translation (Traditional) 


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

Garry Eaton was a Canadian poet from British Columbia. He started writing haiku in 2006 and was published occasionally in the major haiku magazines. He volunteered as the digital librarian for The Haiku Foundation Digital Library.

1 comment:

  1. The wine-tasting tour, from one farm to another as implied from L1 (touring the "farms"), depcited in Ls 2&3 is satisfactory as indicated in the "setting" sun reflected in the N's wine glass .

    A visually and emotionaly evocative shasei (sketch from life) haiku.

    And the following wine-tasting haiku could be read as its sequel:

    full-bodied rain
    the wine tasting
    winds down

    tinywords, 13:3, Dec. 31 2013

    LeRoy Gorman
