Sunday, August 11, 2024

Butterfly Dream: Paper Plane Haiku by Kanchan Chatterjee

English Original

evening chill ...
a paper plane stuck
on barbed wire

Second Place, 2019 Sharpening the Green Pencil Contest

Kanchan Chatterjee

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

傍晚的涼意 ...

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

傍晚的凉意 ...

Bio Sketch

Kanchan Chatterjee writes haiku, tanka and haibun, and has won several international awards. He has been published regularly in various online haiku and other poetry journals. His haiku appeared regularly in NHK’, Japan's "Haiku Masters." His poems were featured in a few Indian poetry anthologies, such as Beyond the Fields. His first book of haiku, Scattered Leaves, was published in January, 2020

1 comment:

  1. I can’t be sure, but I expect the poet intends us to read “barbed wire” as an accoutrement of war, though it could be more normal — more mercantile — as simply a measure to keep the cattle penned in. In any case, these flights of childhood are no match to the stern realities of the adult world, and the telling image is an overt lesson to those who come upon it. If not for the slightly “telling” first line, this poem probably would have ranked higher for me... excerpted from the judge's commentary, accessed at

    It might be interesting to do a thematic comparison reading of my two barbed fence haiku below:

    barbed-wire fence …
    a migrant climbs over it
    to the moon

    Haiku of Merit, Vanguard Haiku, World Haiku Review, Summer 2021

    barbed wire fence
    the scattered pieces
    of a paper moon

    German Translation

    die verstreuten Fetzen
    eines Papiermonds

    Chrysanthemum, 25, 2019
