Saturday, August 17, 2024

Cool Announcement: Simply Haiku Is UP

My Dear Friends and Readers:

SIMPLY HAIKU IS UP! Thanks to The Haiku Foundation for taking over the hosting of Simply Haiku, one of the best online haiku publications, co-founded by NeverEnding Story contributor, Robert D. Wilson. And I would like to share with you some of fine poems from each of its past issues (1:1, July 2003 -- 7:7, Winter, 2009):

Selected Poems:

breakfast kiss
               sharing the egg white
on our tongues

Michael Rehling

summer heat
even here, even now
I remember you

Cathy Drinkwater Better

ballpark heat --
with a squeeze-bottle she mists
her disabled son

Paul Watsky

school open house
Mrs. Thompson atop her desk
swinging long legs

Francine Porad

shimmering heat
the merry-go-round
slows to a stop

Kirsty Karkow

blue wisteria
cascades down the bluff
a flash of hummingbird

Elizabeth Howard

early spring
rust down the sides
of a gravestone

Bruce Ross

the pond's surface
a dragonflys' wings~
you never touch me

Pamela A. Babusci

in this house
of dreams where all
the clocks
tell different times
you and I are real

this old country road
we are carried
forward in space
backwards in time

Margarita Engle

sliver of moon
behind the rain clouds
on this long drive
a trace of your touch
on my skin

Karina Young

                                   to be continued ...

Happy Reading


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