Friday, May 31, 2024

One Man's Maple Moon: Opium Stars Tanka by Pamela A. Babusci

English Original

sitting alone
opium stars
a woman
in deep pain

The Linda Jeannette Ward Tanka Award,  The British Haiku Society Awards, 2023

Pamela A. Babusci

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

Pamela A. Babusci  is an internationally award winning haiku, tanka poet and haiga artist. Some of her awards include: Museum of Haiku Literature Award, International Tanka Splendor Awards, First Place Yellow Moon Competition (Aust) tanka category,  First Place Kokako Tanka Competition,(NZ) First Place Saigyo Tanka Awards (US), Basho Festival Haiku Contests (Japan).  Pamela has illustrated several books, including: Full Moon Tide: The Best of Tanka Splendor AwardsTaboo HaikuChasing the SunTake Five: Best Contemporary Tanka, and A Thousand Reasons 2009. Pamela was the founder and now is the solo Editor of Moonbathing: a journal of women’s tanka; the first all women’s tanka journal in the US.

1 comment:

  1. Defying classical structure, this 10-word tanka works because of the brevity and sharp imagery. We need not know the source of this pain; it is enough to know the woman shoulders it alone, finds relief beneath the stars. Immersion in nature increases dopamine and serotonin in our brains to become a powerful antidepressant. Star bathing can reduce emotional stress and heartache, improve general wellbeing. There is indeed an opiate in nature (independent of the poppy) that can soothe troubled souls and bring peace from pain. Those who have sat alone under the quietude of star-filled skies will appreciate the restorative power of such moments. The use of the phrase “opium stars” binds this tanka together in an unforgettable manner... excerpted from the judge's commentary, accessed at
