Friday, October 26, 2018

Butterfly Dream: Autumn Night Haiku by Barry George

English Original

autumn night  --
the moon at the window
of the space museum

The Heron's Nest, 12:1, March 2005

Barry George

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

秋夜 --

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

秋夜 --

Bio Sketch

Barry George is the author of Wrecking Ball and Other Urban Haiku and The One That Flies Back, a chapbook of tanka. He has won the AWP Intro Poets Award, a Pushcart Prize nomination, and numerous Japanese short-form competitions, including First Prize in the Gerald R. Brady Senryu Contest.


  1. L1 sets the seasonal context while the unexpected yet thematically significant last line effectively makes an implied contrast (between the autumn moon at the window and the exhibition related to this celestial body, the Moon), leaving enough dreaming room for the reader's imagination.

  2. Barry's "moon and Museum" haiku reminds me of one of my tanka on the same topic (but written from a different/cultural perspective):

    the full moon
    over Memling Museum
    unfinished black circles
    in Verdier's wall painting

    Cattails, 1, December 2013

    Note: Fabienne Verdier is a contemporary French painter, known for her expertise with Chinese ink techniques.
