English Original
border diner
locals fill
the window seats
tinywords, 19:1, May 6 2019
LeRoy Gorman
Chinese Translation (Traditional)
Bio Sketch
LeRoy Gorman lives in Napanee, Ontario. His poetry, much of it minimalist and visual, has appeared in publications and exhibitions worldwide. He is the author of two dozen poetry books and chapbooks. He is also the winner of the 2017 Dwarf Stars Award
L1 sets the scene while unexpected yet interestingly fresh L3 makes this "middle-of-the-story" border haiku effectively unlock the reader's imagination:
ReplyDelete"Who or what are the locals I wonder? Are the locals from both sides of the border or are only people from one side of the border able to have a cafe and look out? ... " (interesting questions raised by Alan Summers)