Wednesday, January 19, 2022

One Man's Maple Moon: Fresh Snow and New Year Tanka by Kozue Uzawa

English Original

how it shines
white on the ground
the fresh snow ...
I will step 
into this new year

I’m a Traveller, 2011

Kozue Uzawa

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

白花花地閃耀 ...

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

白花花地闪耀 ...
Bio Sketch

Kozue Uzawa is a retired university professor. She works as editor of the English tanka journal GUSTS. She composes tanka both in Japanese and English. She also translates Japanese tanka into English and co-published Ferris Wheel: 101 Modern and Contemporary Tanka (Boston: Cheng & Tsui, 2006), and Kaleidoscope: Selected Tanka of Shuji Terayama (Tokyo: Hokuseido Press, 2008). Ferris Wheel received the 2007 Donald Keene Translation Award for Japanese Literature from Columbia University.

1 comment:

  1. The opening image, Ls 1-3, of fresh falling snow, is visually and emotionally evocative, setting the tone and mood of the tanka while the concluding statement of L4&5 provides a glimpse of hope, this "new year."

    And my tanka below could be read as a prequel to Kozue's:

    written on the last day of this surreal year, 2021

    I lift my leg high
    as the Time Beast approaches ...
    kick after kick
    at the snowy darkness
    until it bleeds daylight

    FYI: Ls 1&3 allude to the fierce Bruce Lee kicks.
