Sunday, October 22, 2023

Butterfly Dream: Waiting List Haiku by Natalia Kuznetsova

English Original

waiting list ...
another bed vacated
in the red zone
Haiku of Merit, World Haiku Review, Summer 2021

Natalia Kuznetsova

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

等候名單 ...

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

等候名单 ...

Bio Sketch

Living in Moscow, Russia, Natalia Kuznetsova is an assistant professor of English and freelance interpreter. Before discovering the haiku world, she wrote poetry in Russian. She started writing tanka and mostly haiku in English several years ago, and participated in numerous competitions worldwide and won some awards. She now contributes regularly to World Haiku Review, Mainichi DailyAsahi Haikuist NetworkShiki Kukai and other traditional and on-line publications. She was included on the list of "European Top 100 Most Creative Haiku Authors" from 2010 to 2013.

1 comment:

  1. L1 sets the tone and mood while L3 exacerbates this challenging situation hinted at in L1
