Monday, January 8, 2024

Butterfly Dream: Winter Moon Haiku by Garry Eaton

English Original

the light in the back
of the flower shop
winter moon

tinywords, 9:1, February 4 2010

Garry Eaton

Chinese Translation (Traditional) 


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

Garry Eaton was a Canadian poet from British Columbia. He started writing haiku in 2006 and was published occasionally in the major haiku magazines. He volunteered as the digital librarian for The Haiku Foundation Digital Library.

1 comment:

  1. This is a fine example of shasei (sketch from life) haiku infused with visually and emotionally evocative imagery.

    What's left unsaid in this understated haiku is left to the reader's imagination and reflection.

    And it might be interesting to do a thematic comparison reading of the following haiku, which could be read as a sequel:

    In a drizzling rain,
    In a flower shop’s doorway,
    A girl sells herself

    Haiku: The Last Poems of An American Icon, 2012

    Richard Wright
