Friday, April 12, 2024

Butterfly Dream: Freight Train Haiku by Mark Miller

English Original

freight train running through the valley the Milky Way

Frogpond, Spring 2018

Mark Miller

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

Mark Miller is an award-winning poet who has published over 300 haiku in international journals and anthologies, including Presence, ShamrockAcornFrogpondAkitsu Quarterly,The Heron’s NestUnder the Basho and Windfall: Australian Haiku. He lives on the south coast of New South Wales, Australia.


  1. Enhanced by the quick pace of its one-line format, this haiku is highly cinematic, reading like/working well as a poetic rendering of an establishing shot of a summer night train scene. Its unexpected yet visually evocative and symbolically rich enindg, the "milky way/river of stars," strengthens its emotionally suggestive power.

    1. And it might be interesting to do a thematic comparison reading of the following haiku:

      the remote blast
      of a freight train horn
      winter solitude

      Presence, 54, February 2016

      Olivier Schopfer
