Friday, January 31, 2025

Butterfly Dream: Snowshoe Hare Haiku by Chuck Brickley

English Original

a snowshoe hare
hops through its breath
morning star
Chuck Brickley

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

A native San Franciscan, Chuck Brickley lived in rural British Columbia for 35 years. His book of haiku, earthshine, won the THF Touchstone Award for Distinguished Books 2017; the HSA Merit Book Award 2017, Honorable Mention; and the inaugural Marianne Bluger Book Award 2020, Honourable Mention. His haibun,“Is Where The Car Is," was nominated for a Pushcart Prize 2018, and another haibun, "A Banishing," received a Sonders Best Small Fiction Award nomination, 2019


  1. This is a textbook case of shasei (sketch from life) haiku infused with imagistic imagery,

    Its visually and emotionally ecocative jux. effectively preserves the "sparkles of the particular in its universal appeal. "

    Haiku is still a "poetry of small things and of everyday experience" that preserves the "sparkles of the particular in its universal appeal. "

    -- Walker Haberstroh

    And it might be interesting to do a thematic comparison reading of the following haiku:

    a swath of moonlight
    rabbit prints in the snowy path
    and the owl's shadow

    NeverEnding Story, March 2, 2014

    Kay L. Tracy

  2. Much gratitude to you, Chen-ou, for your time, skill, and insights regarding this haiku, the 'ghost track' in my book EARTHSHINE. I hope the 'ghost track' in my forthcoming book will resonate as well. I appreciate your dedication to the haiku arts. Sincerely, Chuck Brickley
