Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Butterfly Dream: Soap Bubble Haiku by Fay Aoyagi

English Original

this soap bubble
I control the world
for just a second

Chrysanthemum Love, 2003

Fay Aoyagi

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)

Bio Sketch

Fay Aoyagi (青柳飛)was born in Tokyo and immigrated to the U.S. in 1982. She is currently a member of Haiku Society of America and Haiku Poets of Northern California. She serves as an associate editor of The Heron's Nest.  She also writes in Japanese and belongs to two Japanese haiku groups; Ten'I (天為) and "Aki"(秋), and  she is a member of Haijin Kyokai (俳人協会).

1 comment:

  1. Fay's haiku effectively builds, line by line, to a thematically significant and visually and emotionally poignant ending that reveals the theme of [busting]the bubble/illusion of life.

    "Life is an illusion a dream; a bubble; a shadow... Nothing is permanent. Nothing is worthy of anger or dispute. Nothing..." ~ The Buddha.

    And it might be interesting to do a comparative reading of my haiku below:

    behind the cloud
    of rainbow bubbles
    a child refugee

    Frogpond, 41:1, Winter 2018
