Monday, October 28, 2024

A Room of My Own: Wooden Jesus Tanka

slanted sunlight
reaches Wooden Jesus on the cross
I close my eyes
... yet nothing whatever emerges
in my mind or my heart

FYI: This tanka could be read as a prequel to the following:

in the chapel
I pray to Jesus
hour after hour
finally tired of me
Time leaves me alone

NeverEnding Story, September 15, 2017


a  l  o n e togethertogether a l o  n  e


the patches
on my neighbor's screen door
foreclosure notice

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Poetic Musings: Burst of Fragrance [Found] Tanka by William Carlos Williams

Who shall hear of us
in the time to come?
Let him say there was
a burst of fragrance
from black branches.

Al Que Quiere!, 1917

William Carlos Williams

Commentary: This five-line stanza that concludes William Carlos Williams’ short “Love Song,” from his first collection Al Que Quiere! (1917), looks and feels much like today’s tanka in English: the interrogative of the first two lines, the stanza’s two-part structure, the poem’s alliteration, and its vivid, single image from nature are all elements common to traditional Japanese tanka and its English cousin... excerpted from "To the Lighthouse: Introduction to The Tanka Anthology by Michael McClintock"

FYI: For more of "found tanka," see "To the Lighthouse: 'Tanka' Found in Western Tradition"

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Butterfly Dream: Sunlit Laughter Haiku by Laryalee Fraser

English Original

through a weeping willow 
sunlit laughter

a leaf rustles, summer 2012

Laryalee Fraser 

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

A resident of British Columbia, Canada, Laryalee Fraser was actively engaged in online poetry forums from the mid-1990’s until her death in 2013. Her poetry has been widely published in haiku and tanka journals, and  in 2006, she compiled an online anthology of haiku, "a procession of ripples."

Friday, October 25, 2024

Butterfly Dream: Sausage Meat Haiku by Bill Pauly

English Original

grinding sausage meat
she recounts the times
her husband cheated

Walking Uneven Ground: Selected Haiku, 2021

Bill Pauly

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

磨碎香腸肉 ...

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

磨碎香肠肉 ...

Bio Sketch

Bill Pauly published two small books of haiku: Wind the Clock by Bittersweet (1977) and Time from His Bones (1978), but later his work appeared mainly in the haiku journals. And his collection of haiku,Walking Uneven Ground: Selected Haiku, won a a Touchstone Distinguished Books Honorable Mention. 

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Butterfly Dream: Falling Leaves Haiku by Brendon Kent

English Original

falling leaves ...
reading the same line
over and over

Navigating Moons, 2024

Brendon Kent 

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

片片落葉 ...

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

片片落叶 ...

Bio Sketch
Brendon Kent lived in Botley, an old countryside village in Southern England (circa 890 A.D.) Born in the late 50's he had written poetry for many years preferring the "short forms." Brendon's haiku/senryu were published worldwide in many leading books and journals. He was a member of the British Haiku Society.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Special Feature: Selected Poems for Reflections on Russian Opposition to Putin and His War in Ukraine

                                                                                           Patriot: A Memoir
                                                                                           written in blood, sweat and tears ...
                                                                                           the battle 
                                                                                           continues from Navalny's grave
                                                                                           as the Kremlin is cloaked in shadows

My Dear Friends:

A much-awaited posthumous memoir by Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was published worldwide on Tuesday. He began writing Patriot: A Memoir after his near-fatal poisoning in 2020, and his wife, Yulia Navalnaya,  helped piece together the book following his death in February.

The book recounts his youth, activism, personal life and his fight against Putin’s increasingly authoritarian hold on Russia. US magazine The New Yorker published excerpts from the book on October 11, titled Alexei Navalny’s Prison Diaries, an account of his last years and his admonition to his country and the world.

The book is set to be published in 22 languages; the English-language edition hit number one on Amazon’s bestselling book charts just hours after its release.

Now, I would like to share with you some of my published poems about Russian opposition against Putin and his war in Ukraine. 


"George Orwell's novel tops all of the Russian bestseller lists in 2022. Really?" Raising her voice on the last word, the Foreign Ministry spokeswoman reacts to the West’s latest report on what's happened in Putin's Russia.

"I remember in the 1990s within the public school system," the spokeswoman pauses to clear her throat, then continues, "we were drilled that Orwell was describing the horrors of totalitarianism, instead of how liberalism would lead humanity to a dead end." 

"We now know that all the powers of liberal Europe had entered into an unholy alliance to corrupt the Russian youth who were hungry for truthful knowledge at the time. As Orwell wrote in his novel, 'There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.' This is our Russian stance." The volume of her last statement is amplified by the clicking of cameras.

a pink-haired teen
held face down in the mud
by plainclothes cops
her Nineteen Eighty-Four
torn apart page by page

Drifting Sands, 20, 2023

Russia Will Be Free

Putin's critic
given sentence after sentence --
inside the glass cage
he gestures to his wife
with hands shaping a heart

Prompted at the end of the documentary to deliver a message to his supporters outside the courthouse, Navalny emphasizes, “If they decided to kill me, then it means we are incredibly strong. We need to utilize this power to not give up.The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing." He flashes a smile at the end of the film.

He is moved from one prison to another to serve his 19-year sentence on charges of extremism. On one occasion, the contact with him is lost for three weeks; it is rumored that he is being denied food and kept in an unventilated cell. Finally he is located at a prison colony above the Arctic Circle, and he dies there months later.

a pink-haired teen
dragged and carried away
by policemen ....
Navalny's youthful face glows
in flickering candlelight

Drifting Sands, 26, 2024

FYI: "Russia will be free" is a century-old political slogan used by Russian dissents. And the documentary, "Navalny," won the Best Documentary Feature at the 95th Academy Awards.

To conclude's today's Special Feature post, I would like to share with you a video posted on Alexei Navalny’s YouTube channel by his widow, Yulia Navalnaya. In This 9-minute video, titled “I will continue the work of Alexei Navalny,”and the description read, “An appeal by Yulia Navalnaya. Alexei’s work will continue. The fight for a free Russia will not stop.”

By killing Alexei, Putin killed half of me, half of my heart and my soul. But I still have the other half, and it tells me that I have no right to give up...

But Putin also took Navalny away from you, where in a colony in the Far North, beyond the Arctic Circle, in eternal winter, Putin killed not just a man, Alexei Navalny, but together with him he wanted to kill our hopes, our freedom, our future...

I will continue the work of Alexei Navalny. Continue to fight for our country. And I invite you to stand next to me. To share not only the grief and endless pain that envelops us and does not let go. I ask you to share my rage. Rage and anger towards those who dared to kill our future. I address you with the words of Alexei, in which I believe. It’s not a shame to do little, it’s a shame to do nothing. It’s a shame to let yourself be intimidated.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

A Room of My Own: You're Not/Knowing

Against the Drowning Noise of Other Words, CXIII: "preparing for settlement in Gaza"

no visible trace
of the walls of my house
of the living room
chairs, tables, dishes, and beds ...
a Gazan sighs between fireballs

each bombed-out house:
an album with no photos
but with people
the living, wounded and dead
pressed between its pages

FYI: "Israel's oldest daily, Haaretz" Editorial, Oct. 21: Netanyahu's Party Is Clearing the Path to Settling Gaza

...a conference titled "Preparing for Settlement in Gaza," that is slated to take place on Monday. Effectively, it is signed by the Likud party.

"We are honored to invite you to participate in the 'preparing for settlement in Gaza' event ... and to be hosted in Likud's sukkah," the invitation says. The ruling political party is thereby inviting the general public to a conference that includes building an illegal outpost, as a step toward building a new settlement in northern Gaza. This insanity is part of an initiative led by the Nachala movement, which is known for promoting illegal settlements in the West Bank.

And Haaretz, Oct. 21: 'Conquer, Kick Out, Resettle': At the 'Preparing to Resettle Gaza' Conference, Wishful Thinking Made Way to Concrete Plans

At a Sukkot-themed gathering near the Gaza border, settlers and far-right leaders outlined plans to reestablish Jewish settlements in the Strip 'within a year.' Police blocked counterprotesters from entering the event, as speakers called for the 'voluntary transfer' of Gazans and the redrawing of Israel's borders to stretch 'from the Euphrates to the Nile'

AddedAgainst the Drowning Noise of Other Words, CXIII: "olive harvest in the West Bank"

the sun glints
on a settler's M-16 ...
olive harvest

FYI: Reuters Video, Oct. 21Palestinians say West Bank olive harvest "tarnished with blood"

Palestinians harvesting olives in the West Bank faced Israeli soldiers blocking access to land. Rights groups say settlers have attacked farmers and damaged groves as tensions from Gaza worsen the situation in the region.

AddedAgainst the Drowning Noise of Other Words, CXIX: "dead-end, no-end war"

Gaza news
a world away this dead-end
no-end war on drugs

AddedGame Show, 2024, LXIX

with no hairnet
Donald Trump works 15 minutes
at a McDonald’s
shoulder to shoulder protesters shout
minimum wage, maximum rage

AddedGame Show, 2024, LXX

smell of sunshine
a turd-shaped monument (installed on the National Mall,  Washington, D.C.)
for the Jan. 6 mob 

Monday, October 21, 2024

Butterfly Dream: Thoughts & Moon Haiku by Marian Olson

English Original

thoughts of other nights
              somewhere for you too
this moon

Mann Library’s Daily Haiku, May 16, 2014

Marian Olson

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

Marian Olson, non-fiction writer and widely published international poet, was the author of nine books of poetry, including the award winning haiku in Songs of the Chicken YardDesert HoursConsider This, and Moondance. Published in 2017, The Other and Kaleidoscope were her first books of tanka.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

One Man's Maple Moon: October's Woods Tanka by Kirsty Karkow

English Original

darkly golden
through October’s woods
a small stream
catches then carries
lost leaves to the sea

Shorelines, 2007

Kirsty Karkow

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

Kirsty Karkow lived in Waldoboro, Maine, where she wrote haiku, sijo, tanka, and other short forms. Lyrical, poignant, and spare, her poetry reflected a rich and deep sense of place and spirit. Her haiku have won the Mainichi and the R.H Blyth Award and placed in other contests. And she had two best-selling books in print: water poems: haiku, tanka and sijo and shorelines: haiku, haibun and tanka , published by Black Cat Press.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Butterfly Dream: Migrant Moon Haiku by Jan Benson

English Original

migrant moon ...
walking from weeds
into weeds

Failed Haiku, 37, Jan. 2019
Jan Benson

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

遷徙的月亮 ...

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

迁徙的月亮 ...

Bio Sketch

Jan Benson was a Pushcart Prize nominated haiku poet. Her haiku were published in many of the world's leading haiku journals and magazines. Jan was a member of The World Haiku Association and Poetry Society of Texas. Jan's profile can be found on The Haiku Foundation "Poet Registry" and online at The Living Haiku Anthology.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Biting NOT Barking: First Day of War Haiku by Dietmar Tauchner

English Original

first day of war --
on a sunlit wall
two flies making love

Dietmar Tauchner   

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

戰爭第一天 --

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

战争第一天 --

Bio Sketch

Dietmar Tauchner, born in 1972 in Austria, lives & works in Puchberg & Vienna, as a social-worker / counselor, author and lover. His work has been published in various magazines & anthologies worldwide. He received some awards, as the Taisho (Grand Prize) at the International Kusamakura Haiku Competition in Kumamoto, Japan, in 2013; and received the Second Place for Noise of Our Origin (Red Moon Press, Winchester, 2013) at the 2014 HSA Mildred Kanterman Merit Book Awards

Thursday, October 17, 2024

To the Lighthouse: Mood Haiku & Tanka

Mood haiku and tanka are the sub-genres of mood poetry, a type of poetry with the focus on moods, which are created by the poet for the readers and to evoke certain feelings in them. Mood is sometimes described as the “emotional landscape” of the poem. It is the feelings that the reader gets from reading the poem as a whole.

Selected Mood Haiku:

tiny sips
to make it last
autumn twilight

Bill Kenney

night chill
rearranging the order
of canned soups

Fay Aoyagi

falling leaves ...
reading the same line
over and over

Brendon Kent 

house clearance
room by room by room
my mother disappears

Alan Summers

living alone
telling one cry of a crow
from another

Elmedin Kadric

the news on mute ...
I'm quiet and quieter
as my old dog sleeps

Chen-ou Liu

                                                                 to be continued ...

Selected Mood Tanka:

at dawn
on a mountain pass
in the drifting fog
almost imperceptible
the smell of green tomatoes

Kenji Miyazawa 

into a pair of stars
we will turn—till then
let us never recall
autumn’s voice
we heard in the same bed

Akiko Yosano 

with each quiver
it is laying an egg
a white moth
why did it enter my mind
this frosty night?

Samio Maekawa

dusk gathers
with the alchemy
of ravens . . .
alone, in a clearing
my heart picked clean

Robin Anna Smith

and when 
the sand runs out? 
the stillness 
of the hourglass 
and I are one

Denis M. Garrison

a drizzly day,
with yellow leaves pasted
to wet black pavement --
returning the library books
she left behind

Larry Kimmel



the sky

LeRoy Gorman

New Delhi draped
in layers of toxic haze
this sense of dread
as October rolls around
chokingly dark... and darker

a girl
sticks her tongue out
at snowflakes
her mother's smiling face
in the shelter window

Chen-ou Liu

                                                                 to be continued ...

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

A Room of My Own: War Crime News Haiku

Against the Drowning Noise of Other Words, CIX: "war crime news"

war crime news on pause
the rise, fall and rise again
of my newborn's chest

FYI: Israel's Oldest Daily, Haaretz Opinion, Oct. 15: Israel Has Shelved the Rule of Law in War and at Home

Wild conduct by soldiers in the West Bank and Gaza, destruction of property, using Palestinians as "sniffer dogs" and indiscriminate killing of civilians have become accepted norms that draw their legitimacy from being an inseparable part of the holy war in which all is permitted.

The Times of Israel, Oct. 15: US warns Israel that weapon supply at risk if Gaza aid crisis not addressed in 30 days

Middle East Monitor, Oct. 14: Ireland says attack on northern Gaza is a war crime:
Micheál Martin, Ireland’s Tánaiste (deputy prime minister), described the scenes in Jabalia as “horrific” in a statement on Sunday, adding:

An offensive by the Israel Defence Forces, backed by tanks and air strikes, has left dozens of civilians dead, many close to starvation, and access to humanitarian aid extremely curtailed. An entire population is being encircled and forced out, with nowhere for them to go...

Haaretz, Oct. 6: Al Jazeera Documentary Uses Israeli Soldiers' Social Media Footage to Accuse Them of War Crimes: Names and identifying details of soldiers who served in Gaza are used in the film, alongside footage they posted of their own misconduct throughout the war.

ICJP Panel: Israeli soldiers document their own war crimes online
On Wednesday 9th October 2024, The International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP), hosted a documentary screening of Al Jazeera’s documentary film titled Gaza, followed by a panel discussion featuring eyewitnesses of the war crimes.

And this haiku could be read as a sequel to my tanka prose below:

A Corner of This Broken World

After a long pause, her voice cracking on the phone, my Israeli friend tells me, "I don't know how to calm my two girls. We're near the border, and they're frightened by the piercing sound of fighter jets constantly flying over our community. Sometimes, they can hear the boom, boom, boom from a distance just minutes after fighter jets fly past our house. I can only comfort them by saying that these are good booms. I feel guilty, I... " My friend hangs up the phone.

the sunset
in a blaze of orange and red
across the sky ...
Gazan children's faces raw
with fear of the unknown

Ribbons, 20:2, Autumn/Winter 2024

Added: Against the Drowning Noise of Other Words, CX: "one way"
written in response to Crime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's remark: "In the Middle East, without the sword there is no forever." 

one way forwar(d)  fireballafterfireball

FYI: Haaretz, Oct. 10: "We Won't Be Forgiven for Weakness": Golda Meir's Warning Revealed in Declassified Yom Kippur War Tapes

Fifty one years after the Yom Kippur War, the IDF archive releases a recording of a November 1973 cabinet meeting in which there was total consensus: There is no chance for genuine peace with the Arabs

"We'll be forgiven for many things, all but one – and that's weakness. The moment we are marked as weak – it's over. This is an unforgivable sin."

These words, spoken by Prime Minister Golda Meir, were recorded at a cabinet meeting that took place 51 years ago, right after the Yom Kippur War. 

The unequivocal conclusion of the meeting was bleak: There is no chance for real peace with the Arabs.

Added: Against the Drowning Noise of Other Words, CXI: "two deaths, Palestinian and Israeli "

One War Story and Two Deaths

a head
severed from the body
grits its teeth ...
moonlight luster on the faces 
of young Israeli soldiers 

back from Gaza
Ezra couldn't stop the war
in his head ...
our father holds his shroud tight
as he is being buried

FYI: National military service is mandatory for all Israeli citizens over the age of 18. 

CNN News, Oct. 21: ‘He got out of Gaza, but Gaza did not get out of him’: Israeli soldiers returning from war struggle with trauma and suicide.

CNN News, Oct. 24The Israeli military has used Palestinians as human shields in Gaza, soldier and former detainees say

The Israeli military has forced Palestinians to enter potentially booby-trapped houses and tunnels in Gaza to avoid putting its troops in harm’s way, according to an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldier and five former detainees 

And a Jewish burial shroud is a simple hand-made garment that has no buttons, zippers, or fasteners of any type.

Added: Against the Drowning Noise of Other Words, CXII: "still alive"

a clay oven
made from mud and straw
a generator
assembled from machine parts ...
a Gazan's X post: Life goes on

AddedGame Show, 2024, LXVIII

the TV blasts
from fine people on both sides
to the enemy within ...
ten feet higher the fence 
between my neighbor and me

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Butterfly Dream: Tundra Haiku by Cor van den Heuvel

English Original


The Window-Washer’s Pail , 1963

Cor van den Heuvel 

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch 

Cor van den Heuvel (March 16, 1931 - September 12, 2024) authored hundreds of haiku and haibun, including one of the most controversial works of the 20th century, one-word haiku: tundra. In addition to more than a dozen collections, he edited or co-edited a number of influential anthologies, most notably three editions of The Haiku Anthology, as well as Baseball Haiku. He also won three Merit Book Awards from the Haiku Society of America, a World Haiku Achievement Award at the World Haiku Festival, and the Masaoka Shiki International Haiku Prize. 

Monday, October 14, 2024

Special Feature: Selected Poems for Reflections on No/Thanks(Giving) during Hard times [for Whatever Reason]

My Dear Friends:

Today is Thanksgiving Day in Canada (occurring on the second Monday in October and six weeks earlier than Thanksgiving Day in the USA)

Share with you a set of haiku and tanka (with which you can re-tell your stories) about the mixed emotions  toward this Thanksgiving long weekend:

a colleague wishes me
Thanksgiving cheer --
but I have
a desk full of dark
anniversaries unspoken

M. Kei

Thanksgiving drive
after the bustle
quiet fields, deep shadows

Harriet S. Bates 

our latest argument
to eat in or out
the blue shrouded mountains
hold the sunset so easily

Thomas Martin

Thanksgiving dinner
between mouthfuls and refills
this hushed silence

Chen-ou Liu

thanksgiving leftovers
all the things we
didn’t say

Sondra Byrnes